GIF Files - Animated GIFs

To create an animated GIF file:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.
    Or, select New on the File menu.
    The New box appears.

  2. In the New box, select GIF Animation.

  3. Click OK.
    The GIF Animation Library screen is displayed.

    This is a library where the images used to compose the animated GIF are stored.
    Refer to Save Animated GIFs, for instructions on saving an animated GIF library.

    The top area is the Animation window where the images that compose the animated GIF are displayed. The bottom area contains the animation frame properties.

  4. Select Add GIF Animation Frame from the Animation menu.
    The Open box is displayed.

  5. Select the first image that composes the animated GIF.

  6. Click OK.
    The image is placed in the animation window.

  7. Repeat this process for each frame that is to be part of the animated gif.
    If the next frame is larger than the first frame, you see the following warning.

    Click OK. You cannot change the size of the frame.

    1. If you need to resize or crop the image, access the ImagEditor. See Resize and Crop Images for instructions on resizing and cropping images.
    2. When adding frames, if you do not click on a frame in the Animation Frame Properties area, the new frame will be added to the end of the frame list, To place a frame in a particular location, select a frame before accessing Add GIF Animation Frame. The new frame will be placed before the selected frame.

  8. To change any of the image frame properties, click on the image name in the Animation Frame Properties area.

  9. Use the Right Click Pop-Up menu or Animation menu to select Animation Frame Properties.
    The Animation Frame Properties box is displayed.

    1. Filename
      List the path and filename of the animation frame.
    2. Left Offset
      In pixels, sets how far from the left side the frame is located in relation to the other frames.
    3. Top Offset
      In pixels, sets how far from the top of the frame is located in relation to the other frames.
    4. Delay
      Set the time in milliseconds before the frame switches to the next frame.
    5. Width & Height
      The Width and Height are set in the Animation Properties box.
      Refer to Animation Properties for information on changing the Width and Height.
    6. Disposal Method
      The disposal method sets the transition from one frame to another. The Browser default for Navigator and Internet Explorer is "None, Leave Alone(1)," which places one frame ontop of the other frame.
      The 1 designates this method in the Animation Frame Properties window.
      "Clear to Background Color(2)," displays the background color as it transitions between frames.

  10. Click OK to return to the GIF animation library screen.

  11. Save the animated GIF file and GIF Animation Library.
    Refer to Save Animated GIFs for saving instructions.

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GIF Files
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